Why do we need the holy spirit?

Hi Elizabeth,
What a greatquestion!
The biblepresents the roleof the Holy Spiritas a continuation of the work of Godthe FatherandJesus,the Soninthe lives of the believer. As suchHe isan essential companion of everyChristian andisthe guarantee andmeansby which weperseveretothe pointof reaching heaven. Letme explain.
When Godrescued Israelfrom Egypthe did so sothey wouldbecome his people andhe wouldbecome their God( Exodus 6:6-8 ). This was fulfilled atMtSinai when Godmetwith his people andgave them the law. They campedaround MtSinai (Exodus19ff) andGoddwelt with them, teachingthem about how they were to liveas his people.This conceptof God dwellingwith his people isa crucial aspect andinmany ways thismeeting can be seenasthe first “church” of the bible.Godcontinued todwellwith his people first inthe tabernacle (readthe rest of ExodusespeciallyEx 40:34-38 ) andthen inthe temple( 1Kings8:10-11 ). Goddwellingwith his people was always a partof God’s plan.IndeedGod’s greatest actof judgmentwas towithdraw from his people whentheir sin became so great (Ezekiel 10)andhesent them away into Babylon.
When wecometothe NewTestament, John describes Jesus ina veryevocative way. InJohn 1 Jesusisdescribed as God’s Word who isGodandwho became man anddweltwith us. Here John seesGod comingtodwellwith his people again. Jesus did allthatGodhaddoneatMt Sinai – tellingpeople about Godand about how they were toliveashis people.He gathered around himhis disciples who became the first “christians”. Onthe eve of his death,he gathered with them andspoke tothem about his departure(John13-16). As you can imagine they were griefstricken. Jesus promisedthem another companion (orcounselor) totake his place andwho wouldbe with them forever – the Holy Spirit( John 14:15-31 ). The Spiritwill dwellwith (in) them (vs17-18), and teachthem andremind them of Jesus teaching(vs26).
This is, of course,whathappenedat Pentecost (Acts2)with astonishing results.Thedisciples were turned from scaredpeople cowering ina room forfear of the Jews intothe people who courageously proclaim the news of Jesus despite allthathappenstothem.The Spiritinthem enabled them.It isbythe Holy SpiritthatGod(theFatherandthe Son)dwellwith us, his people,and continuetoteachusandhelp ustostay truetohim. That iswhy weneedtoHoly Spirit.
As suchthe roleof the Spiritismulti- faceted.
Using the bible, the Spiritteaches and convicts usof the truthandassuresus thatthey are saved( 1Jn3:24 ,2Cor1:22 , Eph1:13 ;4:30 )
It isthe Spiritinour lives thatunites us toChrist inhis death andresurrection ( Rom6:1-11 ,Gal2:20 ). Being‘in Christ’ by the Spiritsecures our completeness ( Col 2:9-10 ). Being‘in Christ’by the Spiritunites uswith others ( 1Cor 12:12-13 ,Eph4:4-6 )
He empowers ustodo whatisright, live infaith anddogoodworks ( Ro 7:18 ,Eph 2:4-10 ).It isalwaysGod’s work inus thatmeansthatweare savedinChrist andlivingnew lives forhim. It isthe SpiritthatmakesChristians aware of their sin andempowers them toturn awayinrepentance.
It isthe Spiritwho distinguishes usfrom unbelievers( Eph2:12 ,1 Cor15:21ff ) and empowers usformissioninthe world ( Acts2:1 ).
The Spiritisanessential partof the Christianlife, the Spiritishow Godworks inhis people until the secondcomingof Christ.The SpirithelpsChristians to understand the wordof Godandliveit out intheir lives today.
Thereismuch morethatcan be said but I hopethispaints anamazing pictureof whatwehave beengiven inthe Holy Spiritandencouragesyou toreadand find out more.


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