How to get fat and still be healthy

Nutrition and healthy eating
Althoughbeing lean can often be healthy, being underweightcan be aconcernifit’sthe resultofpoornutrition or ifyou arepregnant or have otherhealth concerns. So, ifyou’re underweight, see yourdoctor or dietitianfor anevaluation. Together,you can plan howto meet yourgoalweight.
Here aresomehealthy ways to gain weight whenyou’reunderweight:
Eat morefrequently. When you’re underweight, you mayfeel fullfaster. Eat five to six smallermeals duringthe day ratherthan twoor three largemeals. Choosenutrient-rich foods.As partof anoverall healthy diet, choosewhole-grain breads, pastasandcereals;fruits and vegetables;dairy products;lean protein sources;andnuts andseeds. Try smoothies andshakes. Don’t fill up ondietsoda,coffee andotherdrinks with fewcaloriesandlittlenutritional value. Instead,drinksmoothies or healthy shakes madewith milkandfresh or frozenfruit, andsprinklein somegroundflaxseed. In somecases,aliquid meal replacement may be recommended. Watch whenyou drink.Somepeople find thatdrinkingfluidsbeforemeals bluntstheir appetite. In thatcase,itmay be better to sip highercaloriebeverages alongwith ameal or snack. For others, drinking30 minutesafter ameal,not with it, may work. Make every bite count.Snackonnuts, peanut butter,cheese,driedfruits and avocados. Have abedtimesnack, suchas apeanut butter andjellysandwich,or a wrapsandwich with avocado, sliced vegetables,andlean meat or cheese. Top it off. Add extras to yourdishesfor morecalories— such ascheesein casseroles andscrambledeggs,andfat- free driedmilk insoupsandstews. Have an occasional treat.Evenwhen you’reunderweight, be mindfulofexcess sugar andfat.An occasional slice ofpie with icecream isOK.Butmost treats should be healthy andprovidenutrients in addition to calories. Branmuffins,yogurt andgranolabars aregood choices. Exercise.Exercise,especiallystrength training,can help yougain weight by building up yourmuscles. Exercise may alsostimulate yourappetite.


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